Saybrook Tank

This was a kind of spur of the moment project, but I'm super pleased with it. I bought the pattern when Cashmerette came out with it, and picked up the fabric when I was buying fabric for the Lenox dress. I made a straight size 18, which for this worked well. It's nicely skimming everywhere. I could probably get away with a 16 for a closer fit, but the 18 is good for a substantial knit like the one I used. I did the view A neckline but the flat hem from view B for coverage. I could have done a little extra swayback adjustment (the cashmerette pattern have some swayback drafted in), but I don't know that I really care that there's some fabric pooling at the small of my back. Front view of tank I haven't done a ton of sewing with knits, and I'm pleased with how smoothly this one went. I used the recommended .5x2.5 zigzag for the seams, and then a wider zigzag in the seam allowance to prevent fraying. The neckline and armhole binding was attached with the same n...