Wahid Waistcoat

I completed the thing! I'm pretty thrilled with it. All the fitting modifications I made worked quite well, and it fits great. I think it's going to prove a pretty useful garment for what I wanted - an extra layer over a nice t-shirt, a little bit dressier than the Ibex vest I wear a lot these days. Front view finished I only barely had enough fabric - I had to piece the inside facing, and I skipped the pockets because I didn't have enough to make the welts. I'm a little bummed about the lack of pockets, but I'll know for next time. And it saved me having to figure out where to put them! I followed the instructions pretty exactly, with the only exception of the lining insertion. The instructions say to sew the lining to the main vest along the front and bottom, and leave 15 cm at the back open. But because the armholes are hand sewn you can turn the vest to the right side through the armhole and do the entire rest in one pass. Hand sewing the armholes wasn't t...